The Arctic climate

You may ask why I’m angry today. Well, I just watched a (very) short video with a starving polar bear in it and I’m fucking furious and it was fucking sad because it didn’t have to be that way. The Arctic climate has changed and so much of the ice has melted, that polar bears can’t survive. Now you may ask (if you are without a clue) why does it matter to me? It matters because the world that starving polar bear lives in is ours, and the bear is us (just a few years further down the road). I am pissed at all the people who think that we live independently of the world and our (yours, I was bright enough not to have any) children and grandchildren aren’t going to starve, or drown, or die of thirst or rampant tropical diseases. Now, why am I furious at GOP policy (our government)? It’s because they don’t give a shit about anything except their wallets (not that they can eat a wallet when push comes to shove though, just like that polar bear tried to eat something out of the garbage, they’ll be reduced to trying one day). They ignore everything except what supports their view of the world irrespective of facts (they’re as dumb as the Congress in the 19th Century which tried to repeal the law of gravity). A fact is something that is testable to actually exist in the physical world. It’s not a belief, which is not testable, and often doesn’t exist in the real physical world. Infuriating dumbass GOP policy ignores facts about climate change and the impact it’s going to have on everything (EVERYTHING!). And since they ignore them they don’t have to deal with them. Ergo, a policy which will allow, no, cause, everything to die. That is mind-blowingly stupid. GOP policy is currently telling every part of government to ignore climate change and everything it will cause: destroyed infrastructure (all that stuff they say they’re going to build) which will be swallowed up by water rising and storms hitting, military planning for the future that won’t, among other things, take drowned naval bases or starving refugees into account, science groups (when they allow science to be mentioned) that can’t study it or mention what it’s already found, even National Parks (that GOP policy hasn’t already destroyed by drilling in) can’t plan for something happening in nature. So, I’m exceedingly angry. The world is going to hell because of GOP policy and I’m not limiting it to our GOP (Republicans). I’m referring to all the clueless everywhere that have some impact on how the world is run. Those who also want to remain clueless because their nice, comfy, (only in their head) world will go away and they’ll actually have to deal with real problems and issues. Climate change is real. It will smack you in the face one day if it already hasn’t and the longer we wait to deal with it, the more damage won’t be fixable, and the more it will cost to change our trajectory. Both are true: it will cost (a lot) more and we still won’t get to live in a world that existed for our grandparents. A world that supported life in balance, one in which tropical diseases weren’t rampant, one in which the natural world supported us rather than our having to constantly tinker with it to keep it going like that ‘heap of junk’ car that a friend of mine used a ten penny nail to replace the distributor rotor in. We still won’t live as well as we might if we worked on climate change and all its aspects earlier, but we might live, unlike that polar bear which is now long dead. You want to know why I’m mad. Contemplate a starving polar bear and think about what it means.